

1dim;ple pronunciation: function: noun etymology: middle english dympull; akin to old high german tumphilo whirlpool, old english dyppan to dip — more at dipdate: 15th century 1 : a slight natural indentation in the surface of some part of the human body2 : a depression or indentation on a surface (as of a golf ball)— dim;ply adjective



つね 常

??の usual; ordinary; common; customary.??に always; all the time; at all times; 《通例》usually; commonly.??ならぬ unusual; strange.??とする be in the habit of ((doing)); be accustomed ((to do, doing)); make it a rule to ((do)).??とした used to ((do)).?子供の?として as (is) usual with children.?それが世の?だ that is the way of the world.